1. Sh. Manoj Sharma (Convener)
  2. Sh Sunil Pathak
  3. Sh. Ashok Kumar
  4. Sh. Mandeep Kumar
  5. Ms. Anjna Kumari


In order to have zero tolerance to ragging and its total elimination from the educational institutions, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India vide its order dated 4th May 2001, 16th May 2007 and 11th February 2009 has directed as here under:

  1. Ragging is banned in the institution.
  2. Anyone indulging in ragging is liable to be punished appropriately. Punishment shall be Exemplary and Justifiable harsh.
  3. Punishment for ragging includes: a) Imprisonment / fine or both. b) Expulsion from the institution, suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period or fine with a public apology. c) Withholding scholarships or other benefits. d) Debarring from representation in events. e) Withholding of results. f) Suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess and the like.
  4. In the hostels, the entry of seniors and outsiders shall be prohibited before and after specified hours of the day except under the authority or the persons in-charge (Warden or Hostel Superintendent).
  5. If the individuals committing or abetting ragging are not identified, collective punishment shall be resorted to.
  6. Character/Migration certificate(s) issued by the institution shall have and entry apart from that of general conduct and behaviour to the effect whether the student had participated in ragging and in particular was punished for ragging.
  7. In case the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging / indiscipline in the past or if it is noticed later that he has indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or he / she shall be expelled from the institution forthwith.

For Himachal Pradesh University Act, statutes and ordinances as amended till date log in on university website (Right to information-H.P. University Act & ordinance, Vol-I, Vol-II, Vol-III) Important Note: It is mandatory to every student to upload “Affidavit” on Anti-Ragging website Ragging is a reprehensible Act Under the Himachal Pradesh Educational Institutions (Prohibition of Ragging) Ordinance-2009 In Emergency Call at Following Numbers Anti Ragging Helpline No. 1800 180 5522 (Toll Free) Anti Ragging E-mail ID: